Black and white botanical prints Bouquet of flowers


The Black and white botanical prints Bouquet of flowers is beautiful wall decor features a minimal line art drawing. It is perfect to hang in any room of your home.
You will receive the digital artwork in jpg formats and can be printed so it will be an easy, yet beautiful decoration in your home!

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Black and white botanical prints Bouquet of flowers

This printable wall art is High Resolution and can be printed as big as 29,7 x 42cm (300 DPI) with flawless gallery-like quality.
You will receive the digital artwork in jpg formats that can be printed so it will be an easy, yet beautiful decoration in your home!

This drawing is handmade using pencil on the paper. Then it is being scanned keeping the the highest quality of an image.

If you are failed to pay or download the file Black and white botanical prints Bouquet of flowers, if you have any complaints about the quality of the file, please contact us.
You can also email us if you want to change the file, add it, change the color or shape.


Due to differences in monitor and printer calibrations,
colors may appear different in print than on screen.
The final print quality will depend on the type of printer
and paper used.


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